Dec 19, 20233 min read
Sewing Pattern Designers Over the Decades
Designer Sewing Patterns are not a recent addition. They have been around for decades!

Oct 4, 20232 min read
The Mondrian Dress, The Vogue Pattern by Yves St Laurent and it's Imitators
I am a huge fan of the Mondrian Dress. I have never worn one. I have, however, made some from size one toddlers to size eight girls using...
Sep 25, 20233 min read
Seeing Red through Decades of Vintage Sewing Patterns
The color red evokes strong emotions. Some are positive, some - not so much! I am not a huge fan of red clothing as I am not the type to dra

Sep 13, 20233 min read
A Hay Ride of Vintage Sewing Patterns
Are you going on a Hayride? See what to wear and what people have worn over the years.

Sep 1, 20233 min read
Vintage Sewing Patterns - Bottoms Up Pants!
Pants - they can make chilly weather a bit more tolerable than a dress. They also come in handy for sports, physical labor and so much more.

Aug 8, 20234 min read
Grab A Vintage Coat Sewing Pattern - It's Gonna Get Cold Outside!
It's hard to think about warm coats when we have had a record breaking summer. However, in order to get the coats sewn before it gets...

Jun 16, 20232 min read
BADGLEY MISCHKA - VOGUE Pattern Designers Pride Month
Badgley Mischka is an American fashion label. Many may think it is one person but in fact, it is two designers – Mark Badgley and James...

May 25, 20233 min read
Summer Sundress Sewing Patterns and Fabrics
Are you ready for Summer Sundress Sewing Patterns and Fabrics? We are! Our shops are full of great sundresses and summer styles for every...

May 10, 20236 min read
Teaching Children to Sew Part 2 - Dolls and Sewing Patterns - The 1930s - Present
What has really changed when it comes to teaching kids how to sew? Not much as far as my research showed.

Mar 27, 20233 min read
Chester Weinberg Part II and Mom's Designer Addiction
by Tyna C. Mom was a bit of a fashion hound. Nothing wrong with that: she was beautiful, younger than most of the other kids’ mothers,...

Mar 14, 20232 min read
The Envelope Please...
Used patterns are a lot of work to get ready to sell however, sometimes we find little gems from the past inside that envelope. I have...

Mar 4, 20233 min read
Progression of Style 1965 - 1969
This is Part II of 1960s Style Progression. As the 1960s continued, the styles went from the tiny waisted dresses with full skirts of the...

Feb 11, 20233 min read
1971- My Sister and Me, Please Mom..
My sister sent me this to use or not use. How could I resist? That's me on the left at age 8 and on the right is my sister at age 10....

Feb 8, 20231 min read
Don't Pass on a Pattern
When shopping for patterns, look at some of the "not so beautiful" patterns that have pieces that match your search. For example, if you...

Jan 11, 20232 min read
Necklines - Part I
When choosing a pattern, there are many variables to consider. Necklines are one. We all hear different terms for neckline styles. Some...

Dec 30, 20221 min read
Ugly Pattern? - It Doesn't Have to Be!
by Mary Beth from The Gingham Life This pattern is one that I do not like getting in a shipment. The 1970s were way too plaid! Now let's...

Dec 23, 20222 min read
1960 - 1964 The Progression of Style
The 1960s were a pivotal time for fashion. The decade began with both full and slim skirts, jackets, and, bows, yes, bows. In the early...

Dec 9, 20221 min read
CoPA - A Great Resource for Sewists
by Mary Beth Vogel CoPA stands for Commercial Pattern Archive. Located at the University of Rhode Island, and part of Saving America's...