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The Envelope Please...

Used patterns are a lot of work to get ready to sell however, sometimes we find little gems from the past inside that envelope. I have found school permission slips (oops!), notes from husband to wife, newspaper articles, photographs, buttons, zippers, postcards, carded snaps, earrings, phone numbers, and more! Oh, and pins - LOTS of pins!

Kinseysue, Redcurlzs, Candy Goeller, Sew Betty and Dot, and The Vintage Pattern Market all told me (The Gingham Life) about items that they have found tucked neatly inside the envelopes.

The Vintage Pattern Market found this beautiful lace in the slip pattern in the picture.

SewBettyandDot Has a collection of items that she has found.

A picture of a mysterious woman

1940s and 50s fashion - department store ads

A letter to a soldier at an Air Force Base in Oscoda, Michigan from his mother.

A news item! "Dog Bites Own Character Witness" Below are 2 comic strips

There are some amazing items. I keep some, I sell some, and, unfortunately, some are destined for the trash some newspapers are trash and some are kept.

This particular lot had a few items tucked into the envelopes. There was a photo of a teen couple going to the prom. I was able to return it to the owner. There were also some patterns with fabric still pinned to the pieces.

And finally The Gingham Life - A few of my favorite things that I have found!

Right: a page out of a 1940s Sears and Roebuck Catalog

Below: A men's Vogue pattern with a receipt dated 12-10-1929.

Below is a larger image of the receipt.

This was used to make a pattern piece. It's all in, what I believe is Italian.

Here is a sampling of the buttons that I have found in envelopes. I have found quite a few over the years!

One thing is for sure, checking patterns never gets boring! You never know what you are going to find when you open that envelope.

I haven't found any paper money yet... that could be nice!

If I find anything really interesting in the future, I'll add it to this post!

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Unknown member
Mar 17, 2023

What a fun article! I have found enough pins to last me a lifetime, some fabric pieces, lots of receipts and newspapers cuttings used to copy a pattern piece. Some of the items were put aside for junk journal supplies or decoupage.


Unknown member
Mar 14, 2023

I found 3 silver dollars in 3 different envelopes. They all came from one lady. The silver dollars are in a cookie jar!

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